
The Unspecific.

My posts have degraded from random stupidity to stupid randomnity; Seriously, it's gotten to the point where I have to ask myself..."Will people find this mentally-degrading?"
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel like... well, a person who does weird stuff for attention.
What are they called? I can't really remember, but I'll get to it by the end of today's entry.
*topic switches are represented by 3 consecutive ~'s from now on.*
So today I tried to walk home the 'cool way', but ended up just getting the sun in my eyes. Oh, frak this weather. FRAK THIS WEATHER TO HEEEEELLLLLLL (Not pronounced HEEEEELLL, but HELLLLLLLLLL).
On the other hand, I totally improved my socialocity by... -4.
If anyone knows how math works, then that means that my socialocity actually decreased by 4 ranks... or points or whatever socialocity is measured in.
I remembered what a social vacuum is called!
A doucheba-- no, I'm just kidding, they're called Show-offs.

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